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Nissan Airbag Module Fault Code B1408 'Control Unit Inside'


A fault that occurs on some Nissan car airbag systems is the fault code B1408 Control Unit Inside or it may also be described as an airbag ecu internal error or internal defect.

This occurs when the airbag control module develops an internal fault and becomes defective which affects many Nissan vehicles including the Qashqai & Xtrail models.


Below is a picture of the type of module fit to these vehicles.

Part numbers include 98820 4EH0B


Nissan Airbag Module With Fault Code B1408


We now offer a postal repair service to repair these defective airbag modules for just £125 all inclusive, saving hundreds on the cost of a new module and programming it into the vehicle.


With our service no programming will be required as the unit will retain all your original settings so all you will have to do is refit it and then erase the diagnostic fault codes with a standard scan tool



How to order our repair service


Please email us at the address below and request the Nissan Qashqai airbag module repair service.

We will then reply providing you with our postal address and also send you a paypal invoice to make payment.

Please do not post modules to our London address as this is only for our registered office and modules will be lost if posted here.


How to contact us


Email: sales@airbagreset.com





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